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Diatonic Scales (Major Scale Modes)

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

The term 'diatonic scale' does not refer to any specific scale, rather the characteristic construction of a scale (or chord).

Diatonic scales are constructed using a combination of whole steps and half steps rather than just half steps (chromatic scale), or whole steps (whole-tone scale).

In modern music theory, diatonic scales are said to be constructed using 5 whole steps and 2 half steps.

This combination of intervals can be found in our very own major scale and its modes.

The Major/Ionian Scale (Mode #1)

The Ionian scale is built using the following sequence of intervals:

Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Whole - Half


Root - Major 2nd - Major 3rd - Perfect 4th - Perfect 5th - Major 6th - Major 7th


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

This scale makes for a great starting point for any form of musical learning because of how common it is to hear it.

I mean, no matter where you live, how you grew up, what you listen to or whether you even play music or not, you have surely heard the sound of this scale.

In even simpler terms, if you belong to the western form of musical learning, 'Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do' is your major scale.

And if you belong to the Indian form of musical learning, 'Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa' is your major scale.

When we play this scale from each separate degree, such as, Re to Re, or maybe let's say, Sol to Sol, we realise that there are 6 more diatonic scales in there.

Let's look into those one by one.


The Dorian Scale (Mode #2)

The Dorian scale is built using the following sequence of intervals:

Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Whole - Half - Whole


Root - Major 2nd - Minor 3rd - Perfect 4th - Perfect 5th - Major 6th - Minor 7th


1 - 2 - b3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - b7

The Phrygian Scale (Mode #3)

The Phrygian scale is built using the following sequence of intervals:

Half - Whole - Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole


Root - Minor 2nd - Minor 3rd - Perfect 4th - Perfect 5th - Minor 6th - Minor 7th


1 - b2 - b3 - 4 - 5 - b6 - b7

The Lydian Scale (Mode #4)

The Lydian scale is built using the following sequence of intervals:

Whole - Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Half


Root - Major 2nd - Major 3rd - Augmented 4th - Perfect 5th - Major 6th - Major 7th


1 - 2 - 3 - #4 - 5 - 6 - 7

The Mixolydian Scale (Mode #5)

The Mixolydian scale is built using the following sequence of intervals:

Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Half - Whole


Root - Major 2nd - Major 3rd - Perfect 4th - Perfect 5th - Major 6th - Minor 7th


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - b7

The Minor/Aeolian Scale (Mode #6)

The Aeolian scale is built using the following sequence of intervals:

Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole


Root - Major 2nd - Minor 3rd - Perfect 4th - Perfect 5th - Minor 6th - Minor 7th


1 - 2 - b3 - 4 - 5 - b6 - b7

The Locrian Scale (Mode #7)

The Locrian scale is built using the following sequence of intervals:

Half - Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole - Whole


Root - Minor 2nd - Minor 3rd - Perfect 4th - Diminished 5th - Minor 6th - Minor 7th


1 - b2 - b3 - 4 - b5 - b6 - b7

Want To Learn Music?

If you wish to learn the art of music and express yourself your way, email me: for pricing and details!

*Open to students from all over the world and all age groups.

Here are some of the things I talk about in class:

  • Music fundamentals and theory

  • Ear-training

  • Composition

  • Improvisation

  • The guitar as a solo instrument

  • Musical, compositional, and improvisational philosophies

  • Artistry

  • Expression

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